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When is Yoni Steaming not safe?

  • Pregnancy

  • Menstruating

  • Fresh RED spotting

  • Burning Itch

  • After Insemination (or IUI/IVF transfer) when Trying to conceive

  • Genital piercings must be removed because the heat will cause the piercing to burn you 

How often should you steam?

For women who steam to detox, relax, and assist in easing cramps and for easier periods, it is recommended to steam 1-2 times per month. For those who deal with other physical issues such as endometriosis, fibroids, and more, you will typically want to steam more often. Individual needs can be discussed further during your appointment with a practitioner.

**I have no Yoni "issues". Can I still do a steam? **

Steaming can be done even when you don’t have any symptoms or issues as it can nourish, strengthen, and tone and tighten the uterus. Steaming enhances vaginal and uterine health and promotes emotional well being as it is relaxing and meditative and part of a self care routine.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes! Bringing a friend to steam with you is totally fine and can actually make the experience even more fun and Sacred. It can be intimidating to try something new but when you bring a best friend it allows the experience to be more relaxing. (Additional Cost)

Is Yoni Steaming safe for young girls?

Yes. Yoni steaming is safe and helps to normalize the Sacred Ritual while setting girls up for a healthy monthly uterine cleanse right from the start. That way they won't have old residue in their uterus which can cause cramping, clotting and brown blood that most women deal with as though is is normal.

Is it safe for me to steam if I have a IUD/Intrauterine Device?

Yes. You will steam for a shorter period of time for your health and safety. 

What happens if I fill out my intake form and I have a contraindication and can’t steam on the day of my appointment?

If this happens, no worries. We can reschedule your session for a time that you are safe to steam.





No! M&M is an organization dedicated to empowering the womb and raising divine feminine consciousness on the planet. We share information from a network of experts (including many doctors) and relevant research, and develop products in line with this goal.

Can I reserve A STEAM for bridal parties and other special occasions?

Yes, this service can also be shared with your girlfriends for a ladies night "in", retreats, bridal showers, and other occasions to relax and have fun with your friends. To reserve the entire spa, reservations must be made in advance.

Can I steam without the use of herbs?

Yes! We offer steaming with organic pink Himalayan salt and organic rose petals or lavender only. Steaming in general allows a women to reconnect with herself and send love and positive energy to the womb, a nourishing practice, which is very empowering.

I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?

Yoni Steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you. Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing. Steaming is also great for increasing moisture, circulation, addressing odor and balancing vaginal pH which helps to prevent infections and bacterial vaginosis. Of course it is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.

Can I still benefit from a Yoni Steam if I have already gone through menopause

Absolutely! Women in any cycle of life can benefit from a Yoni Steam, especially those who are menopausal. A Yoni steam is very moisturizing and may help to relieve dryness and may increase elasticity. It has been known to reduce severity and frequency of hot flashes and also really helps you sleep soundly. It is a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.

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